Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Budak-budak Pastian : Hobi balik kampung

Entry kali ni nak buat dalam BM lah. :)
untuk pengetahuan semua entry ni special tribute untuk budak pastian! mmbe2 aku dari zaman sekolah lagi.
akram, ameen, oli, tengk, apek, ayid, luqman, kamal and fendy.

aku senantiasa ada masalah ni time cuti.dari matrik dulu masalah ni membelenggu diri aku.sekarang kat upm dah kurang dah lah. haha.
mcm ni masalah nye.
ibu bapa aku terutamanya bapak aku sukaaaaa gila balik kampung kat taiping tu.taiping cantik tau.kalo sape-sape pegi sana try tengok lake garden.kompem x menyesal punya. ^^
so,bapak aku yg suka balik kampung ni tak kira waktu dan ketika pastilah akan mengajak satu family balik kan.nak jumpa opah aku yg tersayang lah katekan.opah aku dah tua.umur dlm 70++ mcm tu lah.aku pun dah tak ingat.die duduk sorang-sorang kat rumah dia tu.
so disebabkan bapak aku ni seorang anak yang mithali,dia pon kerap lah balik kampung untuk menjenguk emaknya yg tersayang tu.masalahnye kat sini,tiap kali dia decide nak balik mesti aku pon akn ditarik sekali.

kadang-kadang bila kawan-kawan aku;budak pastian buat pape program atau plan function utk kitorang mesti aku yg akn ade masalah nak attend program tu.
alasannye?? balik kampung lah bro.

dan tiap kali aku bagi alasan ni kat dorg,mesti dorg kata:-
"typical faliq lah ni,asek2 balik kampung"

sampaikan fenomena balik kampung ni dah tersemat dalam diri aku membe2 aku dah bagi label kat aku sebagai orang yang suka balik kampung.

baru2 ni aku lepak2 ngan membe2 aku.mase tu baru balik dari tgok wayang.cite Pirates of The Carribean : On Stranger Tides.bagi aku cite ni best sangat.lawak and mcm cite2 yg sebelumnye, adventurous.tapi aku x paham kenapa ramai yg label cite ni as failure.dorg kata cite ni x sampai tahap 3 cite yg sebelumnya.biarlah.lain org lain pendapat kan.
so berbalik kat kisah aku tadi.

masa tengah lepak tu ade sorg membe aku ni.akram.die sedara aku sebenarnya.aku tau die sedara aku time darjah 6.  :)
akram ni kuarkan lah satu statement.
"faliq kalo org mintak tulis biodata,sampai kat part hobi je mesti dia tulis
hobi:suka balik kampung"
mula2 aku rasa macam terasa lah.
rasa mcm terasa??? apa punya ayat lah ni.
aku mcm terasa lah + kecewa pun ada.sebab betul jugak apa die kata.kalo ade pape plan je mesti aku yg x dpt ikut sebab kena balik kampung.tp xde lah semua aku x ikut.mostly lah.hahahahhaah!

tapi bila aku pikir balik rasa lawak pun ada.statement dia mmg xboleh blah lah.mmg sume gelak lah time tu.
sampai mcm tu skali pandagan dorg kat aku.hahahhaa.tapi dorg melawak je kot.
sbb apa aku kata dorg melawak? sbb bila dah habis gelak je msti dorg buat muka serius pastu ckp "gurau2 je faliq". hahahahaha!
tp ape yg dorg kata tu ade betolnye jugak.tiap kali mesti aku yg xde sbb aku balik kampung.  :)

korg yg bace bnde ni mesti tertanya2 kan.so ape masalahnya kalo balik kampung?? bukan best ke balik kampung.jumpa sedara mara sume.

btol.ape yg korg ckp mmg btol.balik kampung mmg best kalau sedara mara sume ada sekali pastu ada aktiviti yg nak dibuat.
yg buat x best nye bila family aku je balik kampung.sedara2 lain xde pon.bila jadi mcm tu lah yg buat aku bengang tu. :)
sebab nnt kat sana tiap ari yg aku buat cume duk kat buaian pastu dengar lagu smpai petang.and kalo balik kampung tu bkn sehari dua je.kdg2 smpai seminggu.cube bayangkan aku duduk buaian dengar lagu tiap2 hari.darabkan dengan 7 sebab seminggu ada 7 hari.

boleh gila aku dibuatnye!

haa.sbb tu lah aku kata balik kampung ni mcm satu masalah utk aku.sebab kat kampung xde ape nak buat, tapi aku tau kat klang mmbe2 aku tgh seronok2 enjoy.aku sedih bila jadi mcm tu.
so mgkin ada yg paham situasi aku ni sbb korg pun sama mcm aku kan.xpe2.sume bende ade hikmahnye.cume aku xtau lah ape hikmahnye kat sini. wakaaakakak.!

untuk budak2 pasti pulak.sori lah wei kalo aku selalu je xdpt join korg.ape boleh buat.fenomena balik kampung ni aku xboleh nak bantah.bukan keputusan aku sume ni.

"come on lah faliq.kau dah 21 kot.kau ada hak tentukan sendiri apa kau nak buat.cuba kau suarakan sikit"
selalunye ini lah ayat dorg kat aku kalo aku bgtau dorg psl ni.ada betolnye jugak kan.aku dah besar.patot ada pendirian hidup sendiri.

tp kawan2.bkn aku xnk suarakan.aku dah suarakan byk kali.tp bapak aku tegas orangnye. cewahh!
bkn ape.aku dah cube tp xdpt.ape boleh buat.
x kira lah berapa umur aku pun 1 ,21 atau 41 sekalipun.mcm  mana tua aku pun tak ubah hakikat.yg dorg ni mak bapak aku.setua mana aku pun tak ubah hakikat yg dorg lah yg besarkan aku.so aku xsuka melawan byk2 sgt.aku ada tanggungjawab kat family aku.  ^^ v

tapi papepun, aku nak ckp yg aku sayang kat mmbe2 pastian aku! korg sentiasa ada waktu2 yg memerlukan. haahahahahha! ^^ v peace~

p/s:kalo pembaca2 nak kenal sapa budak2 pastian ni.tgok lah fesbuk dorg.ni name fesbuk dorg:

  • Ahmad Akram Benyamin
  • Ameen Hakim
  • Kamal Aizat
  • Luqman Hakim
  • Muhammad Fazlee Abu Hassan
  • Muhammad Syafiq Azizan
  • Shahid Othman
  • Tengku Hafizi Shah

Ni masa lepas spm.muda lagi. :)

Ni masa lepas sambung belajar. 2009 kot. haha.. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Immortality/Eternal Youth. Blessing or curse?

Immortality or eternal youth.
both are two different things but brings the same effect to a person.living forever.means we won't die.
have any of you ever wondered how it would be like to live forever?

living forever would give you everything you want.you will never have to worry about dying.getting through your day without even thinking what would happen in the future.you wouldn't need to worry.
because you have a lot of years ahead of you.
you can plan anything you want and slowly carry out the plan.doesn't even need to make haste.
immortality gives you all the time you need.
wealth? no problem.
you can work for money for the rest of your life.how can you work for money if you don't have education??
while most people worry about their advancing years and tries to speed up their education.you just don't have to give a shit.because you got all the time you need.
time has always been a hurdle for every man.but not you. :)
and you wouldn't even have to worry about your health too.your immortality ensures that your body is forever immune to any worldly diseases.
nothing will scare you!!

on the contrary.
living forever have its dark side despite all the worldly pleasures it can provide you with.
while you indulge in your immortality, others around you are not as fortunate as you are.
friends,family, lovers and foes.all will age and eventually dies.

oh!no worries.find other friends.find more lovers.there's a lot to choose from.

but can you really do that?
can you cope with the sadness of losing every person you care about in this world?
the more friends and lovers you find.the more will die away of age.if not with diseases and sickness.
you will be surrounded by sorrow every living day thinking about all those you have lost.

other than that.human brain might be complex and amazing anda all.
but do you really think that your brain can handle all those memories that you have?
lets look at an example.say that you live almost a thousand years.
can you imagine how much memories you have?
that would be a lot.a lot can happen even in 10 years.so imagine 1000.
you can go crazy!!
your brain will not have the capacity to whitstand all those information in your head.in the end you would just perish.

so any of you out there that always wanted immortality or eternal youth.think again dude~
^^ v

Friday, May 20, 2011


I took a degree in english because i like english very much.in school,english was the subject that really lift up all the tension of learning all the science stuff.english is a very fun language.that's how i see english subject.at first i wanted to be an english teacher because i want to show others how fun learning english can be.a lot of my friends find learning english is a nuisance.so i want to show people who has this kind of perspective the fun and beauty of learning english.
thats why even after garduating from matriculation i decided to further my studies learning english.though i did not get TESL but a degree in english isn't bad either.english has always been an interest to me.
well of course i have other subject that i'm interested in.i love chemistry.the first time i learnt chemistry i thought
'wow!chemistry isn't bad.its fun learning chemistry'
i applied chemical engineering but my matrics pointer isn't any good so of course i didn't get the course.and i got english instead.which is also my favourite subject.
i love english as much as chemistry.

on the other hand.my sister who i admit is a genius in academics also decided to take english course.
at first when my father told me my sister's choice i was flabbergasted.what's her problem??why is she taking english?
she had good grades in UPSR, PMR, and SPM.she excell over me.she could have furthered her studies in the science stream.but then she decided to shift and take language instead.

agaknye die tengok abang die hidup senang kot amek english

my sister got an offer from UPSI.diploma in english.she had accepted the course and rejected the penang matriculation offer.which is truly a waste of opportunity according to me.and also a waste of talent.she might have been able to go far in science.but then i don't know what possesed her to actually take language. *sigh*
it came as a shock to me.
my sister has never showed any interest in language before.let alone in english.but she took it anyways.
she has been asking me about my course before.what i learn,what i'm doing in the course.is english easy in the university.
and all the while i thought that she is just curious about my life.its just a normal behaviour of a sister asking the brother his experiences.i never thought she would consider to take english too.now there are two people learning english in my family.and there's just the two of us.
what are the odds eh? haha..
maybe me taking english has influenced her a bit.but i guess that doesn't matter.she HAS taken it anyways.you can always be succesful at whatever you do as long as you work hard for it.  :)
well.upon my sister going to further her studies shortly.i just want to give her my support.

work hard there.because there will be a lot of competition.and good luck!
^^ v

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Just Have To Roll The Dice

we encounter risks everyday and every minute.while we're driving, playing sports or even sleeping.we might encounter risks.
risk can come in different ways.either it comes to you unexpectedly or you yourself go and find that risks.we define risk as something that will definitely gives us problems.and most of the time we try to avoid those risks as much as we can.but do we realize that some risks that we avoid may result in our own unproductiveness?
i don't know how to explain it.but i deeply feels that this is true.
for example,in football.football nowadays rely on financial power to triumph over other teams or clubs.but then, Sir Alex Ferguson who i bet most of us know as the manager of a famous and most succesful team in the world : Manchester United.
so,instead of using big splash of cash to buy star players to improve his squad, he decided to put a gamble on his youth players from the manchester academy.this was famously done some years ago when he introduced the likes of Beckham, Giggs, Gary and Phil Neville and some others.he gambled on the future of the club and maybe the future of his own job but then the risk from the gamble proved to be worth it.he is now the most succesfull and most celebrated manager in the english football.as proof he guided manchester united to their 19th league title.all that he has done with taking a little bit of risk.

apart from that.

i have just watched a movie at the cinema entitled PAUL.its about an alien trying to get home to his planet.in his efforts to get home, he stumbled upon two human sci-fi geeks.both the geeks promised to help paul on his quest and along the way they went through many obstacles.
i don't want to reveal anymore about the movie because it might be a spoiler to anyone who wants to watch the movie.
in the end, before paul were able to get home, one of the geeks had a problem.paul has a special ability that he can use to help others.right at that moment paul had to make a choice between to help his friend or not.
he decided to help the human although using the special ability would endanger his own life and eveything he had done to get home until then would be a waste.but he did it anyways.
this movie shows a great value about friendships and about taking risks in life.
the words that paul said in the movie that really gripped myself hard was :
"sometimes you just have to roll the dice"
i found paul's words are quite inspiring.don't you?
this particular dialogue of paul teaches us to be a risk taker.sometimes risks comes at you when you are unprepared.you just dont have the time to prepare for it.then what would you do?you just have to make a decision.take the risk if you could.
because sometimes behind the risks that we take lies hidden a great success.  :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't feed the cat!!

Whenever we are hungry and do not have time to cook,we came up with a solution to go to a restaurant and eat there instead of cooking.that's how my family counter the insufficient time to cook dinner.as both of my parents are working,they usually come home late.there is no time for either my father or mother to cook us anything.i can cook but there's nothing much of a menu that i can provide them.so the solution?
its always great to be able to go to the restaurant and order anything you want to eat.provided that the food you want is offered in the restaurant's menu. :)
and everytime we would have a great time eating dinner outside.except.
whenever we eat there will always come a cat under our table and asking for food.sometimes they even crept up to your legs to make sure they are noticed.this has always been the quarelling point between me and my parents.

have any of you ever encountered this?

of course,this kind of thing only occurs at simple down-to-earth restaurants that commoners usually goes to.high class and pampered people who only eat at 5-star grand restaurant will surely never encountered this kind of things.thats natural. :)

so,back to the topic.everytime there will always be cats which will come to our table and ask for food. everytime my parents will say these words:
don't feed the cat!
wow!so much negativity there.
i always feed these hungry and helpless cats because i think that's the right thing to do regardless of what my parents say.but i could never understand why my parents always prevented it.their only explaination to me was : so that the cats will not get used to asking for food in the rastaurant.
what the heck?!why??
what's the problem with cats asking for food?they are after all cats.right?
i often find their reason ridiculous.these cats are hungry and helpless.especially the kittens.so why shouldn't we feed them?isn't it an act of kindness to feed these hungry creatures.
even in our religion we are taught to always be kind no matter to whom.even different creatures.though they are animals,they have heart,lungs,limbs and bones.and even brains.they have everything that we have.they even have warm blood running through them.they are as alive as we are.so why shouldn't we feed them?

is it a sin to just give them a little of food amongst all the many food we ordered?i guess not.
so what's the problem?
because so they would not ask and disturb the customers in the restaurant.that is just outrageous.
the reason the cats keep on asking for food is because nobody would give them any.
if only all the customers-the humans-would give a bit of food each to them,then surely they would not stay hungry.thus they would not bother anyone else.right?

we malaysians consider ourselves to be courteous.we admit to the world that malaysians practice courtesy.
is that even true??
we should not lie.
what courtesy is there in us??if we can't even spare some food for hungry cats.just give them a little of the many that we have.it won't kill us.we are not that courteous after all huh!
there is a tale that is always told in islam:my religion.that a prostitute woman who is condemned to hell,feed milk to a hungry dog and eventually because of her act of kindness towards the dog she is accepted to heaven.even ALLAH stressed the importance of being kind towards animals.because just like us, animals are also beings created by ALLAH.

so why shouldn't we feed the cat?
this 'don't feed the cat thing' is quite a popular belief among people.though not all think like this,but most of them does.i can never understand their rational towards this.just never can.and i will never follow what they say.because i always feed the hungry cats.it always seems to be the right thing to do to me.

at the end of the day,my message is.

Please! Feed the hungry cats at the restaurant.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bukit Tinggi, Pahang.

Before this the only Bukit Tinggi i knew was the bukit tinggi in klang. near the place that i live in. recently,me and my family went for a trip to pahang. and this is when i discovered the new bukit tinggi in pahang. my family and i went with some of our relatives as the original plan was for my father and my uncles to have a game of golf at the Berjaya Hill Resort Club.so,to make it convenient for the mothers they decided to tag along.and i was dragged along with them.as the mens go and play golf, i was stuck with the womens and have to follow them all day.at first i thought it would definitely be boring!!
but that thought instantly vanished as they brought me to two places i thought to be awesome~ :) and those are:
1.Colmar Tropicale
2.Japanese Village

Colmar Tropicale

when you guys see this two pictures.what do you think??
do you think these are buildings that are supposed to be in Malaysia or Europe?

this is the attraction that the colmar tropicale offers you.they immitate the european buildings and here they actually build and immitate the french buildings.they even made the streets in here look as if we are really in france.

woah! france?

as i said.they immitate the french up till the very streets.and because this place is located on a mountain and are surrounded by forests,the climate is very cool.this added effect really makes me feel in the overseas.the cool climate and the fresh air gives me peace and tranquility.

Japanese Village

3500 ft.??

after visiting the Colmar Tropicale, we went to the japanese village located further up from the Colmar. just like colmar,the japanese village immitate the foreign country's style such as their house. as you can see in the picture above,we are 3500 feet above sea level. damn! that's high. no wonder this place is all chilled up.
so i went around and look at everything there.taking in every details that exist and capturing any picture i would find interesting.and one of the things i found interesting was the japanese style house that they duplicate.although it was just for display.i felt it was all real. :)

interior of the house

hey!a japanese!

look at how real it was.how exact the design of the house is.the effort to make this happen is really awesome.if Malaysia can expand this kind of interesting places then surely malaysian tourism will grow and expand more. :)

this trip has given me many new experience and excitement.although at first i thought it will be boring but in the end i enjoyed myself so much that i forgot all the sadness i had in the beginning.nevertheless it was somehow a tiring journey.
btw.for your info we need to do a bit of climbing to get to these places because there are some point where cars are not allowed to venture in.
try and visit this place.you also might find it interesting.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hey! I'm new at this blogging thing. Actually a friend isnpired me to create this blog. He showed me how important it is when we experience new things that we should record it. Blogging is a way to record those experience we had. That particular friend who gave me the inspiration is Mohamad Najib bin Mohd Towy.
He is from Tawau, Sabah. He owns a blog and is very good at blogging. He also gives a lot of focus to his blog and sometimes neglect his studies. hehe. sory najib~
If you want to check out his blog then here it is http://www.themonat.com/. Check it out. I bet you won't be disappointed. =)
Btw. That's not the only reason why i decided to blog. actually i am a student in one of our local universiy. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) , Serdang. so proud~ and the course that i'm taking there is Bachelor of Arts (English). Yeah i know. My english is not that good so how come i got that course???
That's what we malay call rezeki!!
okay.back to what i was talking about.because i am studying english, hence i decided to create this blog to enhance my writing ability.get feedbacks from anyone out there.criticism is not bad, its always good to be criticised.because we will always improve ourselves.am i rite?? :)
and that will answer your questions to why i am writing my blog in english.to improve myself.
PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! lah kawan-kawan.
and some will come at me and say how i neglect my own language that is Bahasa Malaysia.i would say that is wrong because i speak malay everyday.i never neglect my own language.the language i grew up with. :)
saya orang melayu lah!
den oghang molayu ha!
kawe oghe melayu deh!
see.i am and always will be a malay. ^^ v peace~

so there! the reasons why i decided to blog.of course there are more reasons.but others are just minor reasons. ^^
and i want to thank Najib for the inspiration he provided to me. i love you najib cendol!

lastly....saya sayang ibu bapa dan adik saya,kawan2 pastian,kawan2 rapat dan semua yang saya kenali dan yang mengenali saya!

adios amigos!