Saturday, December 17, 2011

my 21st

17 december.
the day of my birth has come yet again.
i was really excited to celebrate it with faz but unfortunately i had to go on a program with my handball co-curricular group. what worse could happen at this supposed-to-be-happy day of my life.
what i wished i could do is just to go out and spend time and being happy. but things just won't go the way we wanted.

being tired the whole day, i slept immediately after coming back from the program. until night that is.
the only celebration that i had was just a nice little dinner with faz.
or so i thought~
after the dinner, we sat and just had a chat together.
surprisingly the cyberlab in my college was quiet.
cyberlab being quiet? very unlikely. but that's what happened.
until one by one my friends emerged.
the thing is.
one of my friend, yana, her birthday is a day after mine. which make hers on the 18th of december.
which is supposed to be THAT night.
so they spell out their plans to prank yana who has always been the mastermind behind pranks on others before. naughty yana. :)
and they asked me to join them. which i joined together with faz.

at first, there were just a cake which the candles were very difficult to blow. every time yana or someone else tries to blow off the candles, they just re-ignited again. what type of candles they used really intrigued me.
cakes are for eating. but not for them it isn't.
they began smudging the cake on each other's faces. including me of course.
after that i thought it was over. we all went outside to just hang out it seems.
and suddenly tun out of nowhere began to throw powder around to yana. which started everything.
they were all running around screaming trying to powderise anyone they could.

at that time i was oblivious towards other things which is my mistake. all i remember was i got hit by something hard and slimy. euuwwwwww!

they threw bloody eggs at me! 

haha. if i could recall there were a total of 5 eggs that hit me. one did not 'hatch'.
which i took in order to get revenge! the others were too far away afraid that i would throw the egg at them. in the end it was unfortunate for my dear faz who i smashed the egg on top of her head.

sorry sayang~ ^^ v

i don't know if they planned it. but i was also included in their prank as they were celebrating both mine and yana's birthday.
after a long and tiring day, it was fun to have played around with friends. we don't get that much these days.
too much assignments and presentations to think about. :)

from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU GUYS!! really meant a lot to me. it was a great 21st birthday.

credits to tun, syafiq, syuerodz, laila, mira, din, akim, syakir and finally beloved fazreen.
you guys were great.
hope i didn't miss anyone. :)

and my wishes to yana. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY YANA!! welcome to the 20th club. hehe. ^^ v

p/s : look what somebody gave me :)

faz bagi kat aku. sweet gila!! ^^ v

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

tag tag :)

aku kena tag. something something lah. aku tak faham apa benda ni sebenarnya. kena jawab beberapa soalan yang diberi. ada kawan rapat ni yang hantar. so ikut jelah. :)

okay.. here goes..

*3 perangai orang yang paling aku tak suka?
1) orang yang takde sensitivity langsung - tak pernah fikirkan pasal orang lain, nak ikut diri sendiri je.
2) aku menyampah orang yang tak boleh nak terima pandangan orang lain. apa benda je nak ikut dia. 
know it all sangat kau ni!
3) then aku tak suka orang yang bila depan aku senyum lebar tegur macam tak jumpa setahun, mesra ya amat. tapi belakang belakang buat sial dengan aku. hipokrit lah senang kata kan. tapi hipokrit ni luas skop dia. yang aku maksudkan hipokrit dengan aku. kalau dah tak suka tu cakap je tak suka. 
jangan nak berlakon baik!!

*bila stress aku buat apa?
ini memang pelik lah. dah jadi habit aku dah ni. bila aku stress, aku dengar lagu then aku jalan pusing pusing. keliling bilik ke, rumah ke, mana mana lah. macam tawaf. aku kena ada perasaan bergerak tu barulah aku boleh layan lagu. :) 
family, kawan kawan pastian, matriks, ngan kpz memang tau lah habit aku ni. 
hehe. ^^ v

*apa perancangan hidup aku?
emm. aku ingat lepas aku habis degree ni nak sambung master. insyaallah kalo ada rezeki kan. aku bukan pandai pun. :) 
then mesti lah nak kerja kan. yang stabil dan boleh menjamin hidup aku. 
lepas tu aku mestilah nak kahwin. siapa taknak kan. 
and aku nak life yang simple je. tak complicated sana sini sangat. 
aku nak 4 orang anak. hehe. meriah sikit. ^^ v
the rest Allah saja yang tau. aku cuma merancang.

*kenangan yang paling aku tak dapat lupakan
nak kata yang paling tu mcm tak boleh jugak. sebab kenangan tu banyak. 
1) aku suka sangat zaman aku form 4 form 5. itu zaman aku yang paling seronok dengan kawan kawan aku. budak kelas, cikgu cikgu aku. :) aku rindu lah zaman sekolah tu.
2) kedua time matrik. matrik ni lah yang banyak ajar aku. orang orang yang aku jumpa kat kolej matrikulasi melaka tu, buat aku tak boleh lupa sampai bila bila. banyak pengalaman yang aku go through dengan diorang. 
3) kemudian masa masa aku kat upm ni. kolej pendeta za'ba. walaupun aku still tak habis lagi kat sini, tapi buat masa ni aku rasa seronok sangat. benda benda yang aku join macam ragbi, teater, paintball dan banyak lagi. benda benda ni aku rasa aku tak pernah terfikir pun nak buat. tapi masuk upm ni aku dah rasa semua tu. :) 

*selain keluarga, siapa orang yang paling aku percaya dan kenapa??
orang yang paling aku percaya selain keluarga pastilah orang yang rapat dengan aku. orang orang ni aku tak anggap diorang sebagai kawan je tapi dah macam family aku sendiri. aku percaya orang orang ni sebab aku tau masa aku senang diorang pun tumpang senang. tapi bila aku susah diorang jugak lah sentiasa ada dengan aku. diorang tau je bila aku ada masalah. tak payah aku cakap pun. 
tak perlu lah aku bagitau siapa kan. sebab..
you know who you are. :) 

*suka memasak tak??
yes of course!! 
aku suka sangat memasak. aku suka tengok rancangan memasak yang selalu ada kat tv tu. aku kagum especially bila tengok lelaki yang memasak. impressive gila!
sebab selalunya orang kata memasak ni hal perempuan kan. 
dan sebab aku suka memasak gak sebab ayah aku hebat sangat memasak. dia boleh masak macam macam. western ke eastern ke apa ke. semua dia boleh. 
aku nak belajar daripada dia. tapi buat masa sekarang ni tak ada masa nak belajar lagi. :)
aku jarang ada rumah sebab tengah belajar lagi and ayah aku pun banyak kerja dia.

*tempat yang paling aku nak melancong
rasanya tak ada tempat yang spesifik. apa yang pasti, apa yang aku nak bila aku pergi melancong mestilah orang orang yang aku sayang yang menyenangkan hati aku. asalkan dengan orang orang tu pergi mana mana pun aku tak kesah. ^^ v

*lagu apa yang buat aku senyum bila aku dengar?
tak tahu lah. seriously tak tahu. agaknya lagu yang kena dengan mood time tu kot. asalkan kena dengan mood mesti boleh enjoy punya. 

*boros atau berjimat dalam berbelanja?
bila duit aku ada banyak sikit je mesti aku boros. asal ada lebih ada je aku nak beli, ada je aku nak guna. tapi bila duit dah nak habis tu pandai pulak aku nak berjimat. entahlah. aku pun tak faham mentaliti aku ni macam mana. 

*suka makan western food tak?
suka suka! western food sedap sedap belaka. 
aku ni universal. apa apa pun aku makan. badan aku keding tapi sumpah aku makan banyak gila. tanya lah kawan kawan aku. diorang pun pelik. 

*benda yang paling jahat/nakal aku pernah buat dalam hidup?
rasanya banyak lah pulak. ada benda yang aku tak dapat cerita lah kat sini. sebab tu semua macam aib aku. siapa nak cerita aib sendiri kan? haha. 
tapi benda yang aku anggap teruk aku buat masa aku darjah enam. masa tu cikgu matematik aku, cikgu ani josfina. baik sangat cikgu tu. aku tak pernah ada masalah dengan dia.
tapi, ada sekali, lepas minggu ujian. kitorang dapat markah matematik. dan untuk yang dapat A cikgu ani bagilah coklat. aku pun dapat sebab aku dapat A. cewahhhh! 
tapi masa tu pulak ada kawasan gigi geraham aku bengkak. aku tak dapat makan coklat tu. makan nasik pun tak mampu. so aku taknak terima coklat tu. cikgu ani kata kalau tak makan pun ambik lah. 
aku pun ambik. masa tu kawan kawan kelas aku panggil aku mintak aku bagi coklat tu kat diorang. aku tanpa berfikir panjang teruslah baling coklat tu kat kawan kawan aku. diorang pun berebut. 
lepas tu cikgu ani terus kata. sambil menangis tau. 

"cikgu tau hadiah yang cikgu bagi tak mewah. cikgu cuma mampu bagi coklat je. tapi cikgu harap sangat awak boleh hargai pemberian cikgu" 

macam tu lah dialog dia kot, dah lama sangat aku pun dah tak ingat. lepas dia cakap tu dia terus keluar dari kelas. kawan kawan kelas aku semua terdiam. lepas dah tak nampak cikgu je diorang semua terus pandang aku. then ramai ramai kata 

" faliq kau dah buat cikgu menangis! teruk lah kau ni! kau pergi mintak maaf kat cikgu cepat!"

aku rasa bersalah sangat. terus aku cuba mintak maaf kat cikgu ani. apa yang jadi lepas tu aku tak ingat dah. tapi itu lah salah satu benda yang aku rasa teruk aku buat.

fuhhh! habis pun aku jawab semua 11 soalan ni. sepatutnya lepas habis ni aku pulak nak kena tag tag orang. tapi macam tak reti nak buat soalan sendiri. so aku nak copy paste je kot soalan yang diberi kat aku. :)  

*3 perangai orang yang paling korang tak suka?
*bila stress korang buat apa?
*apa perancangan hidup korang?
*kenangan yang paling korang tak dapat lupakan
*selain keluarga, siapa orang yang paling korang percaya dan kenapa??
*suka memasak tak??
*tempat yang paling korang nak melancong
*lagu apa yang buat korang senyum bila korang dengar?
*boros atau berjimat dalam berbelanja?
*suka makan western food tak?
*benda yang paling jahat/nakal korang pernah buat dalam hidup? - inilah dia orang yang hantar tag tag ni. :)

haaa! korang buat lah pulak ekk. :)
peace!! ^^ v

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


sometimes in life things are just not gonna go right where you want it to be.
we cannot think that everything will go smoothly. it just doesn't work that way.
we sometimes expect it but sometimes we don't.
that is what we call challenges. unavoidable.
whether it comes from circumstances, others or even ourselves. we just have to cope.
it is too subjective. vast.

at times it will be subtle but at certain times it will be hard.
it is going to be difficult.

at times when we feel the whole world is against us. contradicting with whatever we do.
when all feels sad and somber.
it is essential that we do not crumble. not to give in. to stay on both our feet.
this is when we are tested.

the same as being positive.
will definitely help us thrive. forward.

where do we find this optimism?
often we can find it in ourselves.
because what's important is always ourselves when we want to overcome anything.
if not, then it will all be useless. no amount of help will get us through.

then there's family members. teachers. mentors. friends. and partner.
we can always rely on those who are willing to help. to guide. to walk us through.
help will come for those who ask for it.

you don't need to go through everything alone.
asking help is not a sign of weakness. but strength.
strength is shown when you admit your weakness.
not to succumb. but to acknowledge. to understand.
we are strong in very different ways.
we can be surprised with human's immeasurable strength.

i find it easy when we consult our problems to somebody. anybody.
as long as that person is trustworthy.

sometimes what we need is support.
that support will create that optimism that we need.

"happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light"

Saturday, October 1, 2011


sometimes it's just hard to satisfy the demands of all people.
out of the dissatisfaction of themselves towards others they start to asks us things.
they pop questions.
they start to give us this and that kind of instructions.
start to order us here and there.
it will never be enough.
not to those people who are just full of bullshit with their own set of justice and justification.
they are just not satisfied.

its simple.

a point is just what they need. a point is just what they desire. a point is just what it takes.
but what is that point?
it differs to those with their different set of goals. their own objectives.
full of malice. full of conspiracy. full of purpose.

we neither have the freedom nor the free will of ourselves.
puppets is who we are. stringed.
controled by those who are said to be outstanding. those who are capable.
our movements defines who they are.

some say its karma. some say it is the way of the world.
that is how it is.

the only option is to follow. only to obey.
for resistance only means handing yourself on a silver platter.

cool is what we call it.
to stay out of sight. stay unheard like shadows creeping on the wall.

we are all that we have.
our backs pointed to the tips of thousand daggers.
even safe can mean harm.
we are all that we have.

it's just a common blabbering.
of someone who wonders. someone who imagine.
it is not meant for the understanding of others.
because to understand it, you have to be me.

'i provide you with the shoe, it is up to you whether to wear it or not'

Thursday, September 22, 2011

best lah!

cuba korang bayangkan dalam kelas korang, korang cuma perlu main twitter je untuk dapat markah.
cool gila kan?

korang cume perlu tweet2, post gambar, follow sana sini, apa-apa saja lah yang berkaitan dengan twitter.
macam mengarut kan? tapi itulah kebenarannya kat sini.
salah satu subjek aku untuk sem 3 kat upm ni nama dia Language & ICT. so apa yang aku belajar dalam subjek ni berkaitan dengan benda IT zaman sekarang ni lah.
sangat lah mudah.

tapi, taklah semudah tu je. apa yg korang tweet tu tak boleh lah yang mengarut, erotik tu semua tak boleh lah.
kalau korang nak cakap pasal artis yang bogel2 telanjang ke memang nak kena penampar lah kan.
mestilah berkaitan dengan akademik sikit.
^^ V

but then, sumpah aku kata yang aku agak gembira dengan kelas ni. sebab kelas ni betul-betul relax gila. tak payah nak pikir banyak-banyak pasal kerja ke, latihan ke, nak menghafal ke apa jadah semua tu. sume tak payah.
tenang je.

aku harap aku boleh dapat A untuk subjek ni. sebab aku rasa tak susah pun. cuma aku jangan buat hal lah nak ponteng-ponteng ke apa ke macam masa aku kat matrik dulu. hehe.

sekarang ni aku kena betul-betul fokus kat pelajaran. pointer aku tak cukup bagus lagi. bila-bila masa je pointer aku boleh turun mendadak. lagi-lagi kalau spanish aku hancur. so wajib lah untuk aku memperbaiki pelajaran aku.
di samping aku menikmati hidup aku di uni jugak lah. tak boleh lah asyik nak belajar je kan. hehe. :)

peace!! ^^ V

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

just a bit more

The very long semester break is almost over! wohooooooo!!
i can't wait to return to the very fun uniputra malaysia. not because i love studying. of course not. but because finally i will be able to meet my beloved friends again.

but of course i will be missing home for sure. i will miss the leisure that my home provides as much as i will miss my childhood friends here. 4 months of holiday gave me the time to spend with them as much as i could.
we have done a lot together in my opinion.
but the most important thing is that i will miss my parents a lot. though i do not show it to them i actually care and love them very much. i just have my own ways to express my care.

i am just excited to meet my friends from upm. during the semester i meet them everyday but when this long holiday came it just feels weird not seeing them for a long time.
the only thing that connects us is facebook.
we kept on bickering with each other in comments, chats and so on. playfully of course.

but the time to return is near. so near.
when we return there will be juniors. ohh i just can't imagine. i am going to be a senior. haha!
its mind boggling to imagine what kind of juniors we'll have. their looks, personalities, everything about them. its just exciting. i hope. :)

 but the thing is. the reason i can't wait to return to upm is because of this one person.
the girl i love so much.
i am itching to see her, to speak to her, to wathever i can. haha! :)
i have been texting and talking to her on the phone for the past 4 months. every single day without miss. and the 2 months i had worked she never misses one day to call me and wake me up to go to work. except for one day when she accidentaly couldn't hear her alarm.
she has been there for me all this time. that's why i can't wait to see her. so adorable. ^^ v
i am just biding my time to go back. its so close.
just a few days and these months of waiting will be over. all of us will be reunited again. ^^ v
i would love to post about fazreen. i'm sure it will be a lot. i am not able to write anything right now.
but one day for sure. one day i will post something about her. i will!! i have made it my priority. :)

but for now.

kolej pendeta za'ba, upm. you wait for me! here i come!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

62 days~

At long last i have graduated from working as a vivo waiter. for exactly 62 days i have went through a lot. from meeting with sweet and kind to rude and arrogant kind of customers, from serving delicious mouth watering food to accidentally pour ice blended chocolate on a customer. i have been through a lot. especially during saturdays and sundays.

me and my fellow friends at vivo rate saturdays and sundays as hell. we kinda hate the weekends because that's when we all have to handle a 'full house'. full house is what we say when our shop is full of customers for those who have no idea. this is when the true colors of our customers come out when we have trouble to serve their food quickly due to inadequate staff in the kitchen. but it's not an excuse. we promised 15 minutes and if we fail to comply then we are truly sorry.
enough about that.  :)

these 62 days have been magnificent to me. not just because at the end of the month i will be getting my pay but also because of the friends i've met. for almost two months i have worked there and the individuals that surround me there have always been awesome. funny, sporting, great sense of humour are just the things that makes them as a whole working family. it is sad for me to finally say goodbye to these wonderful people.
i would like to introduce them to you guys.  ^^

Luqman Hakim

this is luqman. if you have read about one of my earlier post about my pastian group. this is one of the members of that group of mine. :)
i ask for the job at vivo with him actually. if it were not for him i would not even think about working at a restaurant let alone worked at vivo. i owe him my thanks because he ask me to join him working there. and i joined. he will also be resigning shortly after i did. but the days that i have worked with him is just honestly fun. we like to joke around and sometimes play during worktime. but that's normal right? nobody wants to work blindly themselves. but if i may make any comparisons between me and luqman, i would say i am much more hardworking than him. he is lazier than me. hehe. sorry man! ^^


this here is asmira. we call her As. she is a junior back when i was in school. but at vivo she is the super senior there. if i am not mistaken she has worked at vivo almost 1 year. i am not so sure. :)
at times she is very intimidating when she is serious but most of the time she is just fun to be working with. on the picture above you can see that she is wearing a blue uniform but actually she used to wear orange uniform like the rest of us. this indicates that she has been promoted to become a supervisor at the time that i stopped. hehe. right As?
from all the days that i worked there i managed to watch a movie with her and luqman. we watched The Rise of The Planet of The Apes.
if you ask me things that i could remember about her i would say; starbucks and subway! ^^
she loves those two things and wouldn't miss it. by the way she is engaged to a handsome guy named alex. 


say hello to naz. her full name is nazreena. naz is my senior at vivo. compared to me and luqman she can do cashier as she is much more experienced.
at one glance one might say that naz ia a small quiet person. but when you start to get to know her she can be quite fearsome. she is that kind of person who is kind and gentle towards people who are nice to her, but once you piss her off then she would show the tiger-like side of her.
i remember once i and luqman came to disturb them working, me and luqman finished work of course. she just said :

" baik korang balik sebelum aku naik darah! "

see. i told you she is fearsome.  ^^
only when she's stressed of course. she is a nice person actually. you just need to get to know her.  :)

Cheok Wei Chin

next is wei chin. wei chin is one of the chinese girls that work at vivo but she is the closest to me. she said that i am a funny guy but in reality she is the one who is funny.  :)
during closing time i always hated to have to do the mopping. but several times wei chin have always willingly helped me mop the floor. i am forever grateful to her. because at times my leg just couldn't hold out much longer. and further mopping would really make my knees shake. i am so weak. haha. :)
wei chin is going to further her studies at universiti malaya taking accountancy course if i am not mistaken.
well good luck to you!  ^^
and one other advice to you wei chin. drive carefully okay. hehehe. ^^ v peace~

this is our kitchen manager. in the kitchen he is the leader. he is from nepal. who says i don't have foreigner friends? huh?! huh?!
this man's name is thakur.i am used to calling him sir as i followed another one of my friend shakir calling him sir. he has been working at vivo for nearly 6 or 7 years. before this he worked for the other vivo outlets though i do not remember which. but as i know bukit tinggi is the 3rd vivo outlet he worked at.
thakur is a very funny guy to be honest. he is serious when working but once we close he always chat with us and make funny stories.
he and As calls themselves maya. haha. which i do not know what the meaning is. all i can do is guess.  :)
and for your information thakur can speak malay very well. all those years in malaysia have helped him understand our national language.  :) 


these three are the several kitchen staffs at vivo. bikram, kumar and deuman.
there's not much to be said about bikram. bikram is just a quiet guy who does his work quietly. but he sure smiles a lot though.

deuman is the funniest of the three. he's always playful even during worktime. i could see the playfulness of deuman when he is with shakir. keep on yelling in the kitchen and fighting. when shakir left eventually he started playing with me and luqman. we would tell each other to "shut up". and sometimes we just play around.

kumar to me is the kind one. why i say he is the kind one?
that is because everytime i had to do the dishwasher he would always come to help me pick up the many plates, glass and cutlery out of the way so that i can resume my work. and one time i came into the kitchen to get some ice water for myself he came to me and grabbed the glass away from my hand. at first i was startled but when i saw what he was doing i was just speechless. i was really grateful to him. he made me a lemon kiwi which most people have to pay for it but i got it for free. but of course without thakur knowing. hehe.  :)

there are several others i would like to tell you all about. shakir, sin and some others. but unfortunately i wasn't able to get any pictures of them.
funny eh? almost two months working there and i couldn't get a single picture of them.   :(

but my experiences working at vivo has been a great one. but all good things have their end right.
what i hope is that at the end of the day all these people will not forget about me as i would not forget about them. all the moments that i have working at vivo i will cherish and will remember always as time allows me.

thanks for all the great experiences! i hope we will meet again soon in the future. ^^ v
i love you guys vivo staff bukit tinggi jusco.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadhan 2011

It's that time of the year.
ramadhan.the fasting month for all muslims around the world.
i bet many can't wait for the fasting month because the fasting month indicates that the hari raya aidilfitri is fast aproaching.for kids it will be very exciting.but for the parents it might be a time to despair a bit.
because for parents it will be a time for will be steadily flowing out from the bank account.   :)

but its a once a year it doesn't matter.
what many people will look forward to is the time for that huge family gathering.
keeping up with each other stories.
sharing each other experiences.
reminiscing old memories.
that's what its always about.

but we need to remember.
raya is also about the 1 month of fasting that we went through.
enough about raya.back to ramadhan a.k.a bulan puasa.

to me ramadhan is a challenging period.
there's so much thing we are not allowed to do.
eat and drink is obvious.
we can't pick our nose or ears.
get angry.
even to smell food is quite wrong during ramadhan.
those things we do almost everyday.
yes its a challenge.

this year it will be a more challenging ramadhan for me compared to these 20 years.
because this year while fasting i will also be working.
and as for your info i'm working as a waiter.
i work with food everyday.
talk about challenging.
the smell of the food.the look of the food.
and to serve delicious foods and drinks to customer and watch them eat.
damn! that's hard!
^^ v

what's more.i will have to stand all day long even when there's no customers.
handing flyers here and there.
but that's what life is.a challenge.
ramadhan is here for us to test ourselves against those things.
so we should embrace ramadhan as willingly as we can.
by the way.for muslims it is an obligation to our religion.
so there will be no excuse.except for women.   :)

so in this coming month of ramadhan.
i wish everyone will be able to have a good fasting month.
perform the duties that we have obliged ourselves to.
i hope all of us are able to fast during this 30 days without any complications.

so,from me..

Selamat menyambut ramadhan!!
Selamat berpuasa!
peace~ ^^ v

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Its a long holiday.

4 months of holiday.that is what degree students in malaysia are facing.

during the ongoing semester,many can't wait for the long awaited semester break.most of them are looking forward to their last paper and eventually going back to their home sweet home.
at the start of the heavenly holiday,all feel in tranquility and happiness.
of course.after an approximately 4 months of intense studying and assignment completing period,who wouldn't want a very long holiday.

everyone loves holiday!

in contrast.going into the 2nd month of the holiday,many of those students starts to fell bored.
many are complaining in the social networks of how they are so bored with the holiday and can't wait for the new semester to begin.
we can read things such as

"this semester break is so boring,why can't the universities start the semester now"


"i can't wait for the start of the semester,i wonder who our juniors will be"


"damn! why can't time move faster,i haven't seen my girlfriend for 2 months now"

and so much more.
well.i myself are included in this category.  ^^ v

its just that it feels we said we love the semester break before and now we are saying the opposite.
it just feels ironic isn't it?

i guess to those who are just sitting at home doing nothing,they might feel the boredom.
but guys like me who are working will feel differently.
to those who feel bored with this very long holiday can try and find a job.
instead of finishing your money you can work and increase your finance.  :)
or try to find some activities that could fill up that that you don't feel like you are just wasting time.

i personally think that holiday is good.
but too much of the good things will end up being bad.

^^ v

Monday, July 18, 2011

budak-budak ni

16 dan 17 Julai 2011
ini tarikh untuk gathering budak-budak ex-pdt matrik melaka batch 2008/2010.

tarikh ni dah macam tarikh keramat untuk aku sebab aku sangat tertunggu-tunggu ketibaan hari ni. kenapa?
ni lah tarikh gathering budak-budak matrik batch aku.
aku rindu gila membe-membe ex-pdt aku!
ramai jugak yang join gathering ni haritu.
sape je ek.
ade rahim,afeb,fathul,napi,syaedi,zik,black,jern,kem,balie dan juga aku.ada lah dalam 11 orang.dah boleh buat satu team bola dah.  :)

plan asalnye kitorang gerak rumah zik 16 aribulan petang macam tu lah.plan sampai dlm petang then mandi swimming pool sume malam tu pulak kitorang nak BBQ.then ahad 17 tu lepak-lepak kejap then balik lah.
patutnye 16 tu kitorang dah pegi rumah zik dah kat hartamas tu.tapi disebabkan berlaku sedikit situasi plan tu terpaksa in the end kitorang pegi rumah zik 17 haribulan.iaitu hari ahad.

disebabkan pertukaran plan tu aku ada lah rasa sedikit kecewa sebab aku memang dah tak sabar-sabar dah nak jumpa membe-membe aku.maklumlah nak dekat setahun since last kitorang jumpa.itupun masa last day kat matrik tu.kecuali rahim lah sebab aku dah banyak kali jumpa dia.rahim rajin jenguk aku kat upm.  ^^ v

walaupun plan dah bertukar dan kitorang kena gather ahad tu,tapi aku beserta tiga rakan lain buat plan baru.kali ni aku cadangkan afeb,rahim ngan fatul datang and stay rumah aku hari sabtu tu.then ahad boleh call syaedi untuk amek kitorang kat klang ni.boleh lepak-lepak,borak ape sume.nak catch up dengan perihal membe-membe katekan. hehe.

ape yang diorang buat kat rumah aku tu tak payah cerita lah kan.kita skip terus kat cerita ahad 17 haribulan tu.   n_n

pagi ahad tu syaedi sampai rumah aku dalam pukul 8 pagi.masa tu afeb sorang je yang dah bangun.aku rahim ngan fatul still tido lagi.syaedi masuk rumah aku je terus mencarut-carut.haha.penat-penat die datang awal rumah aku tapi kitorang terbongkang lagi dalam selimut.
sorry syaedi. ^^ v

mula-mula kitorang ingat nak gerak satu kereta je.naik kereta peugeot 1.8 syaedi.haha.napi decide nak ikut so kereta syaedi tak muat nak naik 6 orang.aku pun kena lah drive sekali.hehe.
afeb ngan fatul naik kereta aku and rahim ngan napi naik kereta syaedi.

kitorang bertolak nak pegi mid valley.sebab kat situ lah tempat kitorang nak jumpa the rest of the group.lepas dah jumpa then baru kitorang gerak rumah zik.

dari start je kitorang dah ada problem.actually aku lah yang ada problem.
bukan apa.syaedi bawak laju gila.dia lupa yang aku ni tak tau jalan.haha.aku boleh kejar sebenarnya tapi banyak gila kereta-kereta yang lembab block jalan aku pun tak dapat nak kejar syaedi sampai kereta dia hilang dari pandangan.

fatul pun sengal jugak.bukannye dia nak alert kereta syaedi pegi mana.dia boleh leka pulak.
aku nak bagitau yang ni bukan salah aku.tapi salah fatul sebenarnya. ^^ v

lepas tu pulak aku tersalah jalan.syaedi cakap kat aku nak guna federal highway.tapi aku masuk mana tah.mula-mula nak cari jalan untuk buat u-turn.tapi bila dah jauh sangat aku pegi kitorang terpaksa lah cakap kat group syaedi suruh diorang gerak dulu.aku afeb dan fatul pun mulalah perjalanan sendiri untuk mencari jalan ke mid valley.

tapi setelah mencuba dengan bersunggu-sungguh aku cuma mampu sampai kat kl sentral je.sampai sana aku dengan fatul cuba lah try tanya ada abang polis ni macam mana nak pegi mid valley dari kl sentral.
die terang panjang lebar dengan sangat detail.aku dengan fatul pun angguk-angguk kepala bila dia terang tu.last sekali abang tu kata

"korang jelas tak ni?"

aku ngan fatul pun kata

"jelas bang"

lepas cakap terima kasih kat abang tu kitorang pun pegi lah balik kat kereta.masuk-masuk kereta aku pun start lah untuk jalan.tapi tak jauh dari tempat kitorang tanya abang tu aku pun cakap lah kat fatul

"tul,kau ingat tak apa abang tadi tu kata? lepas ni kita kena ambik simpang mana ek?"

fatul pun jawab

"jap-jap,aku cuba ingat balik.aku rasa kita kena ambik simpang kanan tu.ha!tengok signboard tu.jalan mahameru.aku rasa yang tu lah."

so aku pun ambik simpang jalan mahameru tu.tapi tak sampai 5 minit aku dengan fatul pun rasa the end kitorang ambik jalan patah balik pegi kl sentral.sampai-sampai je kl sentral aku dengan fatul dua-dua setuju.

"kita tak ingat lah apa abang tu cakap"

kesimpulannya bila orang tanya jelas ke tak.kita jawab jujur-jujur.kalau tak jelas tu tanya lah balik.jangan buat konfiden je. ^^ v

akhirnya kitorang decide nak tunggu syaedi datang kl sentral nak guide kitorang.masa syaedi sampai tu bukan kereta dia je yang datang.tapi ada satu lagi kereta ikut belakang dia.kereta myvi putih.bila keluar je orang dalam kereta tu kitorang pun nampak lah black,jern ngan kem.
wah~! makin ramai dah rombongan ke rumah zik ni.

dan kami pun teruskan perjalanan ke rumah zik.

sesampai kat rumah zik kitorang pun borak-borak lah.
afeb ngan sape tah pegi beli kfc.
lepas kfc sampai kitorang pun ready nak turun.

mandi swimming pool!! hehehe..

masa mandi swimming pool ni lah yang best.macam-macam kitorang buat.
lompat sana lompat sini.terjun.
fuhh! memang syok gila.
kitorang pun ada main water polo jugak.

yang penting team aku menang lah.hahahahaha.
team aku ada balie,afeb,rahim,fatul dan yang penting sekali aku lah.sebab aku yang star.tu pasal menang tu.
^^ v

kitorang habis aktiviti kat swimming pool tu dalam pukul 7 lebih.lepas naik sume kitorang pun ready-ready lah nak balik rumah masing-masing.aku memang kena balik awal lah sebab esoknya aku kerja.

bila dah balik tu aku rasa sangat puas.
dah sekian lama tak lepak dengan budak-budak tu.dapat jugak jumpa diorang.
gathering yang lepas aku tak dapat join.sebab bapak aku tak bagi.
tu yang aku dah lama tak jumpa diorang tu.

bila sampai kat rumah aku pun terfikir.
bila lagi lah nak jumpa diorang ni.
sebab nanti masing-masing dah busy.dah susah nak set masa nak buat gathering lagi.
dua tahun aku kat matrik aku jumpa diorang nak dekat tiap-tiap hari.bila dah masuk uni kitorang dah tak sama-sama lagi dah.sume dah terpisah.masing-masing dah jauh.
kena tunggu lama lagi.

aku rindu gila kat budak-budak ni.dapat jumpa sehari pun dah cukup puas.
penat tapi memang puas.

ada masa kita jumpa lagi ekk lain kali.thanx kawan-kawan!

gambar kitorang dalam air.jern ngan black takde.dorang tak masuk air.
dari kanan: aku,rahim,kem,napi,fatul,zik,syaedi,balie,afeb.
masa ni ada mat salleh amek gambar kitorang ^^

Friday, July 15, 2011


Ni sajak yang aku buat untuk persembahan subjek Penglahiran Bakat Kreatif.bukan selalu aku buat2 sajak ni.

Kehadiranmu menyempurnakan perjalanan hidupku
Walau keruh, walau jernih
Biar semua berlalu pergi
Kau masih disini setia menanti
Memberi semangat supaya ku tersenyum lagi

Tanpamu di sisiku
Aku hanya seorang buta
Berjalan sendiri di medan ini
Menunggu panduan penuh harapan
Agar hadir seorang untuk menemaniku
Di dunia yang sementara ini

Kasihmu bagaikan
Kasih ibu yang mencurah cinta dan kasih sayang
Kasihmu bagaikan
Kasih ayah yang mencurah bakti
Kasihmu bagaikan
Kasih abang yang sentiasa melindungi
Dan kasihmu bagaikan
Kasih adik yang sentiasa menyanjungi

Selain keluargaku
Kaulah yang Satu
Antara satu yang ku perlu
Nerakalah hari-hariku.

cukup kreatif tak aku ni.  ^^ v
saja je nak share.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Table 15

Chocolate Brownies Mallows.

it is the name of perhaps the most expensive drink at vivo. and superbly delicious too. 

the drink consists of ice blended chocolate.on top of it are sprayed white delicious whipped cream.and for the final touch some marshmallows are scaterred on the whipped cream.

slurrrppppppp!! mouth watering rite?   ^^v

i have been working at vivo for almost 3 weeks.i have been serving food and drinks to the vivo customers quite nicely. i have not screwed up at all.

but everyone will screw up eventually. right?
i myself are in no exception.

i thought i was doing well with my work.and in one momment that thought dispersed.

i was serving the chocolate brownies mallows to a chinese couple who just entered vivo.they sat at  table 15. both of them wore white clothes and if i'm not mistaken they have just finished i'm about to serve the drink.suddenly i felt the tray i'm holding tilted awkwardly on my palms.
and for a split second i saw the glass on the tray fell.i saw it but there was nothing i could do.
i was dumbfounded.
as the glass fell on the tray all the cold water of the ice blended chocolate splashed out onto the female got to her dress.on the table.on the floor.even on their shopping splashed all over the place.

i was white in horror.
i quickly rushed to the kitchen to get a cloth to wipe and clean the mess when i saw my manager miss minnie rushed to table 15.she saw everything! she looked shocked.

and immediately all the service staff rushed to the scene too. Naz,hidayah,wey chin,asmira was alongside miss minnie to clean up the mess.

all i could do was look from afar.

that time i was so shaken i stayed in the kitchen because i was so afraid i would be scolded by both my manager and the customers.i was so afraid i did not leave the kitchen until the two customer leave. during my exile in the kitchen my manager came and talk to me.

"macam mana boleh jatuh? habis kena baju perempuan tu.dia pakai baju putih lor."

i was so ashamed of myself.ashamed that i screwed up badly.ashamed that i did not do my job nicely.ashamed i could not serve the customers well. *sigh*
i asked miss minnie if whether i have to pay for the drink.she replied

"tak payah bayar bukan sengaja,kalau sengaja mesti bayar.tapi saya nampak itu accident punya so takpa lah.muka you pun sudah pucat punya." she said.she also added

"biasa lah.semua orang buat mistake jangan risau hah.relaks relaks."

the greatest thing about this accident is that my manager talked to me with a relieved off all the pressure.she spoked kindly to me too. thanks miss minnie!!
even the customers did not complain about the incident. fuhh!!
and all my staff friends also came to the kitchen to comfort me.tell me that its okay.i am so grateful to them.thanks guys!

it took me a while to shake myself off the feeling of fear in me.but the whole day i avoided serving drinks.i even avoided table 15. hah!  ^^v
i'm afraid i will do the same mistake again.but i feel i definitely have to bounce back.

at the end of the day.i realized that mistakes can happen to anyone.
you just have to be careful not to make such mistakes.but when it happens you should not beat yourself too just have to pick yourself up and do better.learning from the mistakes you made.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Generous smile and simple 'thank you'.

at the time being i am working in a restaurant as a waiter.
in just a week working there i have met different kinds of people.customers actually.

some of them are kind.some arrogant.and there are some others who are actually rude.

there's this one time a woman with two kids came to the restaurant.i can remember she sat at the table with the number 6.that particular table was set up so that at most 8 people could sit.the woman chose to sit there with her kids at table 6.
with only 3 people she sat at the table which could afford 8 people.
there were a lot more table empty that she could choose to sit.but apparently she wants the biggest.
maybe she needs a lot of space for her big ass.   :)

me and my fellow friends don't mind if she wanted to sit there as there are few customers at the time.
but the thing that makes us pissed was because she was really rude.from the beginning she came in the restaurant we gave her a warm and a welcoming smile.but all she did was keep her face as stone as possible.
still thats fine by us.
after she ordered and we gave her the foods.she just can't stop complaining.
she said things such as

"this food should come first,this was ready made just need to heat it."

"you need to learn to take orders la,its experience what.."

my god.i would have loved to burst at her that time but i remembered.

customer is always right!

the reason i was pissed at that time was because i just came in for work.i saw the food she ordered at the counter and i immediately sent it to her.then she gave me all that lecture shit.
really if she knows how the kitchen works there.
that is just how arrogant customer behave.just because she wears nice clothes and jewelery shit she thinks she is so classy that she can say whatever she wants.

on the other hand,i met a very respectable and very classy the same day but the difference is just this customer came at night.when we were nearly closing.
ironically,this customer is also a woman with two elder girl and younger boy.
both of her kids are hyperactive.
they keep on jumping on the sofa and talking loudly.
at first i thought that this is another troublesome one that could bring disaster to me.

ohh how wrong i was!

the woman wast so soft spoken and polite.everytime she ask about the food on our menu she gave me a smile.everytime i answered she gave me a nod and then smiled again.
i was like very happy at that time.she doesn't know me but she could smile so generously.
when i came serving her food she would ask her kids to say thank you.though the kids are hyperactive they could listen and obey their mother very well.

"thank you abang!"
and take note that this customer is actually chinese.    ^^

all those smiles and thanks that i get made me very determined to give the best to them.i felt energised and could work faster.maybe all of you think i am exagerating.but if you were in my place you would understand.

it got me thinking.
what can a smile and simple thank you could do to people.

i bet a lot.
when we can give such generous smile and say those simple 'thank you'.it shows how much class we have.
rather than wear expensive clothes and act wealthy but inside you are just a rude and awful person.people won't respect you.
it will just attract hate and spite from others.

its not what you wear or what you have that makes you's how you treat others.yes.even towards waiters.maybe you want to pursue the "customer is always right" thing.but sometimes you should think about others matter how high standard you should remember you are also human.
don't do things to others that you don't want others to do to you.

p/s : it's hard to imagine what a generous smile and a simple 'thank you' can do.

^^ v

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Ideas comes from personal experiences" (Muhammad Faliq;2011)

*right now i haven't experience anything that could spur out ideas

Monday, June 13, 2011

Praying that i'll nail that job! really need the money.
wish me luck peeps~
*fingers crossed*

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Damn! I need to increase my weight and body mass!

I need to gain some weight to build my body.
obviously because i'm too skinny!

don't get me wrong.i love myself.i don't hate the way my body looks.
in contrast to people who wants to be skinny just because they think being skinny is beautiful, i want to increase weight not mainly because i am too conscious of my looks.
i'm fine with the way that i am.

but,i have two reasons why i want to have a slightly bigger body.

first is because its hard to find myself decent clothes.because of my small frame clothes have become bigger for me.even if i buy a size s clothing it would still be big for me.
and everytime i wore them its as if i am a hip-hop dancer.the clothes would seem big on me as if i am a 10 year old kid trying to wear a man's clothes.
if i have a slightly bigger body then those clothes would fit me nicely. :)
the reason i put the word 'slightly' everytime i want to say 'slightly bigger body'.its because i'm afraid i will become bigger just like this word are.does anyone ever told you 'be careful of what you wish for'?
here,i am being careful.i don't want to say i want to become bigger.just slightly bigger.there's a lot of difference in that.because i'm afraid that god will grant me my wish and make me way too big for my own good.  :)

then there's the 2nd reason why i want my body weight to increase slightly.mainly because of sports.which complements my statement above.i don't want to become bigger,just slightly bigger. :)

what's the problem with my body weight??what's the problem with sports???
let me tell you.

as you already know my body frame is small for someone my age.and compared to more others i am considered small.well,its not actually a problem.but to me it is a problem.
with a small body its hard for me to challenge my opponents who has bigger bodies.

recently.well actually yesterday, i played futsal with my friends and we eventually lost to 1 goal.and we have to pay more than the other team.its sad actually.because there's nothing much i can do.
no matter how much skills or technical abilities i have,when the opponents starts to play it rough then i will be swallowed.i can't even move passes did not connect.overall i can't play whenever there's an opponent who play extremely physical.
i drowned.
not able to do anything,not able to help my friends.i became utterly useless.just because i am physically weaker.  :(
in order to improve my game that's why i want to build up my that the opponents can't push me aside anymore.

even after the game ended.when we were having some drinks at the mamak of my friend olie told me:

"kau dari dulu tak berubah,main baik hati sangat.asal opponent tolak kau je kau kalah,main keras sikit lah faliq"

that was what he said.of course he did not scold me.he just gave me advice on how to improve advice that have been repeated by the same man throughout these years.

i tried so hard to increase my body weight.
some people said that if we eat and sleep we will become big.i even tried that.and its not working.
some would tell me to consider taking appeton weight gain.
what the hell!!
appeton only increases your appetite.
my appetite are already gigantic!
i eat a lot more than what obese people eat. honestly!
go and ask my closest friends and they will confirm you for that.

i have been trying.i hope i can achieve what i am aiming for.
to have a slightly bigger body.  n_n


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Budak-budak Pastian : Hobi balik kampung

Entry kali ni nak buat dalam BM lah. :)
untuk pengetahuan semua entry ni special tribute untuk budak pastian! mmbe2 aku dari zaman sekolah lagi.
akram, ameen, oli, tengk, apek, ayid, luqman, kamal and fendy.

aku senantiasa ada masalah ni time cuti.dari matrik dulu masalah ni membelenggu diri aku.sekarang kat upm dah kurang dah lah. haha.
mcm ni masalah nye.
ibu bapa aku terutamanya bapak aku sukaaaaa gila balik kampung kat taiping tu.taiping cantik tau.kalo sape-sape pegi sana try tengok lake garden.kompem x menyesal punya. ^^
so,bapak aku yg suka balik kampung ni tak kira waktu dan ketika pastilah akan mengajak satu family balik kan.nak jumpa opah aku yg tersayang lah katekan.opah aku dah tua.umur dlm 70++ mcm tu lah.aku pun dah tak ingat.die duduk sorang-sorang kat rumah dia tu.
so disebabkan bapak aku ni seorang anak yang mithali,dia pon kerap lah balik kampung untuk menjenguk emaknya yg tersayang tu.masalahnye kat sini,tiap kali dia decide nak balik mesti aku pon akn ditarik sekali.

kadang-kadang bila kawan-kawan aku;budak pastian buat pape program atau plan function utk kitorang mesti aku yg akn ade masalah nak attend program tu.
alasannye?? balik kampung lah bro.

dan tiap kali aku bagi alasan ni kat dorg,mesti dorg kata:-
"typical faliq lah ni,asek2 balik kampung"

sampaikan fenomena balik kampung ni dah tersemat dalam diri aku membe2 aku dah bagi label kat aku sebagai orang yang suka balik kampung.

baru2 ni aku lepak2 ngan membe2 aku.mase tu baru balik dari tgok wayang.cite Pirates of The Carribean : On Stranger Tides.bagi aku cite ni best sangat.lawak and mcm cite2 yg sebelumnye, adventurous.tapi aku x paham kenapa ramai yg label cite ni as failure.dorg kata cite ni x sampai tahap 3 cite yg sebelumnya.biarlah.lain org lain pendapat kan.
so berbalik kat kisah aku tadi.

masa tengah lepak tu ade sorg membe aku ni.akram.die sedara aku sebenarnya.aku tau die sedara aku time darjah 6.  :)
akram ni kuarkan lah satu statement.
"faliq kalo org mintak tulis biodata,sampai kat part hobi je mesti dia tulis
hobi:suka balik kampung"
mula2 aku rasa macam terasa lah.
rasa mcm terasa??? apa punya ayat lah ni.
aku mcm terasa lah + kecewa pun ada.sebab betul jugak apa die kata.kalo ade pape plan je mesti aku yg x dpt ikut sebab kena balik xde lah semua aku x ikut.mostly lah.hahahahhaah!

tapi bila aku pikir balik rasa lawak pun ada.statement dia mmg xboleh blah lah.mmg sume gelak lah time tu.
sampai mcm tu skali pandagan dorg kat aku.hahahhaa.tapi dorg melawak je kot.
sbb apa aku kata dorg melawak? sbb bila dah habis gelak je msti dorg buat muka serius pastu ckp "gurau2 je faliq". hahahahaha!
tp ape yg dorg kata tu ade betolnye jugak.tiap kali mesti aku yg xde sbb aku balik kampung.  :)

korg yg bace bnde ni mesti tertanya2 ape masalahnya kalo balik kampung?? bukan best ke balik kampung.jumpa sedara mara sume.

btol.ape yg korg ckp mmg btol.balik kampung mmg best kalau sedara mara sume ada sekali pastu ada aktiviti yg nak dibuat.
yg buat x best nye bila family aku je balik kampung.sedara2 lain xde pon.bila jadi mcm tu lah yg buat aku bengang tu. :)
sebab nnt kat sana tiap ari yg aku buat cume duk kat buaian pastu dengar lagu smpai petang.and kalo balik kampung tu bkn sehari dua je.kdg2 smpai seminggu.cube bayangkan aku duduk buaian dengar lagu tiap2 hari.darabkan dengan 7 sebab seminggu ada 7 hari.

boleh gila aku dibuatnye!

haa.sbb tu lah aku kata balik kampung ni mcm satu masalah utk aku.sebab kat kampung xde ape nak buat, tapi aku tau kat klang mmbe2 aku tgh seronok2 enjoy.aku sedih bila jadi mcm tu.
so mgkin ada yg paham situasi aku ni sbb korg pun sama mcm aku kan.xpe2.sume bende ade hikmahnye.cume aku xtau lah ape hikmahnye kat sini. wakaaakakak.!

untuk budak2 pasti pulak.sori lah wei kalo aku selalu je xdpt join korg.ape boleh buat.fenomena balik kampung ni aku xboleh nak bantah.bukan keputusan aku sume ni.

"come on lah faliq.kau dah 21 kot.kau ada hak tentukan sendiri apa kau nak buat.cuba kau suarakan sikit"
selalunye ini lah ayat dorg kat aku kalo aku bgtau dorg psl ni.ada betolnye jugak kan.aku dah besar.patot ada pendirian hidup sendiri.

tp kawan2.bkn aku xnk suarakan.aku dah suarakan byk bapak aku tegas orangnye. cewahh!
bkn ape.aku dah cube tp xdpt.ape boleh buat.
x kira lah berapa umur aku pun 1 ,21 atau 41 sekalipun.mcm  mana tua aku pun tak ubah hakikat.yg dorg ni mak bapak aku.setua mana aku pun tak ubah hakikat yg dorg lah yg besarkan aku xsuka melawan byk2 sgt.aku ada tanggungjawab kat family aku.  ^^ v

tapi papepun, aku nak ckp yg aku sayang kat mmbe2 pastian aku! korg sentiasa ada waktu2 yg memerlukan. haahahahahha! ^^ v peace~

p/s:kalo pembaca2 nak kenal sapa budak2 pastian ni.tgok lah fesbuk name fesbuk dorg:

  • Ahmad Akram Benyamin
  • Ameen Hakim
  • Kamal Aizat
  • Luqman Hakim
  • Muhammad Fazlee Abu Hassan
  • Muhammad Syafiq Azizan
  • Shahid Othman
  • Tengku Hafizi Shah

Ni masa lepas spm.muda lagi. :)

Ni masa lepas sambung belajar. 2009 kot. haha.. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Immortality/Eternal Youth. Blessing or curse?

Immortality or eternal youth.
both are two different things but brings the same effect to a forever.means we won't die.
have any of you ever wondered how it would be like to live forever?

living forever would give you everything you will never have to worry about dying.getting through your day without even thinking what would happen in the wouldn't need to worry.
because you have a lot of years ahead of you.
you can plan anything you want and slowly carry out the plan.doesn't even need to make haste.
immortality gives you all the time you need.
wealth? no problem.
you can work for money for the rest of your can you work for money if you don't have education??
while most people worry about their advancing years and tries to speed up their just don't have to give a shit.because you got all the time you need.
time has always been a hurdle for every man.but not you. :)
and you wouldn't even have to worry about your health too.your immortality ensures that your body is forever immune to any worldly diseases.
nothing will scare you!!

on the contrary.
living forever have its dark side despite all the worldly pleasures it can provide you with.
while you indulge in your immortality, others around you are not as fortunate as you are.
friends,family, lovers and foes.all will age and eventually dies.

oh!no worries.find other friends.find more lovers.there's a lot to choose from.

but can you really do that?
can you cope with the sadness of losing every person you care about in this world?
the more friends and lovers you find.the more will die away of age.if not with diseases and sickness.
you will be surrounded by sorrow every living day thinking about all those you have lost.

other than that.human brain might be complex and amazing anda all.
but do you really think that your brain can handle all those memories that you have?
lets look at an example.say that you live almost a thousand years.
can you imagine how much memories you have?
that would be a lot.a lot can happen even in 10 imagine 1000.
you can go crazy!!
your brain will not have the capacity to whitstand all those information in your the end you would just perish.

so any of you out there that always wanted immortality or eternal youth.think again dude~
^^ v

Friday, May 20, 2011


I took a degree in english because i like english very school,english was the subject that really lift up all the tension of learning all the science stuff.english is a very fun language.that's how i see english first i wanted to be an english teacher because i want to show others how fun learning english can be.a lot of my friends find learning english is a i want to show people who has this kind of perspective the fun and beauty of learning english.
thats why even after garduating from matriculation i decided to further my studies learning english.though i did not get TESL but a degree in english isn't bad either.english has always been an interest to me.
well of course i have other subject that i'm interested in.i love chemistry.the first time i learnt chemistry i thought
'wow!chemistry isn't bad.its fun learning chemistry'
i applied chemical engineering but my matrics pointer isn't any good so of course i didn't get the course.and i got english instead.which is also my favourite subject.
i love english as much as chemistry.

on the other sister who i admit is a genius in academics also decided to take english course.
at first when my father told me my sister's choice i was flabbergasted.what's her problem??why is she taking english?
she had good grades in UPSR, PMR, and SPM.she excell over me.she could have furthered her studies in the science stream.but then she decided to shift and take language instead.

agaknye die tengok abang die hidup senang kot amek english

my sister got an offer from UPSI.diploma in english.she had accepted the course and rejected the penang matriculation offer.which is truly a waste of opportunity according to me.and also a waste of talent.she might have been able to go far in science.but then i don't know what possesed her to actually take language. *sigh*
it came as a shock to me.
my sister has never showed any interest in language before.let alone in english.but she took it anyways.
she has been asking me about my course before.what i learn,what i'm doing in the english easy in the university.
and all the while i thought that she is just curious about my life.its just a normal behaviour of a sister asking the brother his experiences.i never thought she would consider to take english there are two people learning english in my family.and there's just the two of us.
what are the odds eh? haha..
maybe me taking english has influenced her a bit.but i guess that doesn't matter.she HAS taken it can always be succesful at whatever you do as long as you work hard for it.  :)
well.upon my sister going to further her studies shortly.i just want to give her my support.

work hard there.because there will be a lot of competition.and good luck!
^^ v

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Just Have To Roll The Dice

we encounter risks everyday and every minute.while we're driving, playing sports or even sleeping.we might encounter risks.
risk can come in different ways.either it comes to you unexpectedly or you yourself go and find that risks.we define risk as something that will definitely gives us problems.and most of the time we try to avoid those risks as much as we can.but do we realize that some risks that we avoid may result in our own unproductiveness?
i don't know how to explain it.but i deeply feels that this is true.
for example,in nowadays rely on financial power to triumph over other teams or clubs.but then, Sir Alex Ferguson who i bet most of us know as the manager of a famous and most succesful team in the world : Manchester United.
so,instead of using big splash of cash to buy star players to improve his squad, he decided to put a gamble on his youth players from the manchester academy.this was famously done some years ago when he introduced the likes of Beckham, Giggs, Gary and Phil Neville and some others.he gambled on the future of the club and maybe the future of his own job but then the risk from the gamble proved to be worth it.he is now the most succesfull and most celebrated manager in the english proof he guided manchester united to their 19th league title.all that he has done with taking a little bit of risk.

apart from that.

i have just watched a movie at the cinema entitled PAUL.its about an alien trying to get home to his his efforts to get home, he stumbled upon two human sci-fi geeks.both the geeks promised to help paul on his quest and along the way they went through many obstacles.
i don't want to reveal anymore about the movie because it might be a spoiler to anyone who wants to watch the movie.
in the end, before paul were able to get home, one of the geeks had a problem.paul has a special ability that he can use to help others.right at that moment paul had to make a choice between to help his friend or not.
he decided to help the human although using the special ability would endanger his own life and eveything he had done to get home until then would be a waste.but he did it anyways.
this movie shows a great value about friendships and about taking risks in life.
the words that paul said in the movie that really gripped myself hard was :
"sometimes you just have to roll the dice"
i found paul's words are quite inspiring.don't you?
this particular dialogue of paul teaches us to be a risk taker.sometimes risks comes at you when you are just dont have the time to prepare for it.then what would you do?you just have to make a decision.take the risk if you could.
because sometimes behind the risks that we take lies hidden a great success.  :)